1. You must enter into a Homemover scheme Agreement with Harron Homes concerning the sale of your existing property, which will include a time period for the Agreement.
2. You agree to Harron Homes appointing nominated estate agents who will market and sell your existing property.
3. You agree you will have no control over which estate agent we instruct, or the terms of that appointment.
4. We agree to pay the estate agent’s commission plus VAT for marketing and selling your existing property provided you legally complete on the purchase of a new Harron Homes home.
5. You agree not to instruct another estate agent to sell your existing property until your Homemover Agreement has ended, that no party is currently negotiating to purchase your existing property and that no introduction has already been made by another party.
6. In the event that any existing contract with your estate agent cannot be cancelled without penalty, or if there is a penalty for dual agency, Harron Homes will not be liable for any extra fees as we cannot be responsible for obligations contained in third party contracts. Please note that you will be liable for dis-instructing your existing estate agent and for any abortive costs or dual agency fees according to your contract.
7. You agree to allow reasonable access to your property for viewings and survey purposes and to co-operate fully with our estate agents in their endeavours to market and sell your property.
8. If no acceptable offer is received within the time period set out in the Homemover Agreement (usually 4 weeks from the start of marketing), we reserve the right to re-market our available plot.
9. This offer is also subject to the terms of your reservation agreement with us.